Some applications create documents that save the fonts used as font names, while some applications produce documents that save the fonts used as font numbers (the FOND ID). Since utilities, such as Apple's own Font/Desk Accessory Mover can renumber fonts as they are installed, you can see how easy it is for font conflicts to occur. When you try to print a document that was created on your system, on another system (or vice versa), that is when you usually first find that you have a "font conflict between systems". This desk accessory is an aid to finding out beforehand what conflicts might occur when a document, created on one system, is viewed or printed on another system with a different font environment.
Varityper FontConflicts, basically, gives you three different options. The first option is to create a FEF (a Font Environment File). This file is a representation of the font names and FOND ID's that are currently in your system. The second option allows you to compare a FEF file (presumably one that was created on anothers' system) with your own system. This is where you can easily discover what font conflicts might occur. Note that if a document calls for a font that is not loaded into the current system, a default font will be used instead. When this occurs, many applications will use what is known as "the default application font". As a third option, Varityper FontConflicts can show you what the current default application font is, as well as give you the ability to change it.
Though we have released Varityper FontConflicts for distribution, we are still in the process of refining it. We cannot guarantee that the information supplied by this desk accessory is either correct or complete. Any feedback you may wish to send will be most appreciated. (Send any comments in care of Mary Hughes at the address given below.)
Varityper Products
Varityper, Inc. is the number one supplier of PostScript imagesetting solutions. No other vendor of high resolution PostScript imagesetting systems has as broad a product range, and no other vendor has shipped as many high resolution systems per month. From 600-dpi plain-paper output to 2400-dpi photo-media output, Varityper most likely has the right choice for your specific needs.
The VT600P and VT600W offer 600-dpi output, high performance, and the economy of plain paper. Both come standard with 35 fonts and a 20-MB hard disk; the VT600 images 8.5 x 11" paper at up to 10 pages per minute and also accommodates 8.5 x 14" paper. The VT600W images 11 x 17" paper at up to 7 pages per minute.
The 4300P and 4200B-P are high-performance, high-resolution imagesetters. The 4300 can image up to 20"/minute at 1200 dpi, and 10"/minute at 2400 dpi. The 4300P comes standard with 35 fonts, 12MB of RAM, and a 91-MB font Winchester which can store up to 500 fonts.
The 4200B-P offers output resolution of 1800 dpi and imaging speeds up to 13.3"/minute (900-dpi proof mode at 26.6"/minute). Like the 4300P, the 4200B-P comes standard with a 91-MB font Winchester and 35 fonts. RAM memory is standard at 8MB. The 4200B-P can be upgraded at any time to a 4300P. Both units come with an additional large hard disk that permits use of the imagesetter 'copies' function at full recorder speed.
Varityper Information
For more information on how we can help you, please call 1-800-631-8134 (in New Jersey, call 201-887-8000 x999). Thanks very much. We hope you will enjoy using Varityper FontConflicts.